
Making the name of the LORD great among the nations
“My name will be great among the nations, from the rising to the setting of the sun.” Malachi 1:11a

Who is responsible for making the name of the LORD great among the nations? Most would answer: The Church.

Certainly there is truth in that answer. We have been commissioned by Jesus to go into the whole world and preach the good news of Christ's Kingdom. We have been given the promise of the Holy Spirit. He guides us in truth; transforms our character through His fruit; and empowers us with spiritual gifts. Jesus declared that even the gates of hell itself will not be able to stand against the Church's march.

But the best answer to the question of who has responsibility for making the name of the LORD great among the nations is this: JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF! He is King and He is on a throne right now. He is not disinterested or disengaged. He is sovereignly orchestrating the events for the end of this age. There is one thing that is certain. . .

HIS NAME WILL BE GREAT AMONG THE NATIONS! The Malachi Network exists to join Him in this Holy purpose.

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